We assist you in selecting the search profile to best support your business and email you daily those Forms 470 which meet the criteria you specify.

Your search results are automatically delivered directly to your desktop on a daily basis. Sharing the results is as easy as forwarding an email to a colleague.

User Friendly Interface:
Your daily email will contain useful, pertinent information, including: district size, district and individual entity discount percentage, contact information, funding history, district demographics, a description of the services sought, special procurement requirements, as well as links to the USAC 2/5 tool and original Form 470.

To manage all this information, emails will show the results of your search criteria organized in an easily understandable format. Additionally there are options for viewing more detailed information by clicking on the data and printing results. View a sample Form 470 results email and view the detail summary featuring funding history and demographic information.

The E-rate Provider Services Form 470 subscription provides ultimate flexibility options allowing you to truly customize search parameters to meet your specific needs and goals. Specifically:

  • Custom search terms – You can search by any combination of search terms, and the service will return only those Forms 470 that match your business profile.
  • Category of Service – You can choose Telecommunications, Internet Access, Internal Connections and/or Basic Maintenance.
  • District Size or Discount Rate – Set a minimum or maximum district size, or a minimum discount level, as required.

We have built this subscription to be complete, flexible, and affordable. With multi-level three-tiered pricing based on the number of states searched, you are able to decide on the level most appropriate to your needs.

  • 1 State: $1,500.00 annually
  • 2-10 States: $2,000.00 annually
  • 11 or more States: $2,500.00 annually

Please contact Bob Richter at 860-404-8883 or bob@erateproviderservices.com for more information.